Most accredited bachelors degrees are available only through 4 year universities and colleges. While an associates degree usually requires 60 credit hours to complete (2 years) a bachelor degree requires over 120 credit hours. Most bachelor degree programs will accept up to 60 credits from a reputable associate degree program that can be applied toward your bachelor degree. The bachelor degree program is broken down into the areas: general education, elective courses and major courses. There are two bachelor degrees students can choose from, the Bachelor of Arts (BA) or the Bachelor of Science (BSc or BS):
Bachelor of Arts (BA) - This degree is a 4 year degree (120 to 128 credit hours). A large portion of the cirriculum for the BA degree includes coursework in liberal arts, humanities, social sciences, music or fine arts. Bachelor of Art Degrees are widely accepted by many employers and are ideal preparation for a masters degree.
Bachelor of Science (BSc or BS) - The Bacher of Science Degree is a 4 year degree (120 to 128 credit hours). A majority of the coursework for this degree is in the sciences focusing on physical and life sciences. The Bachelor of Science degree is widely accepted by many employers as a career preparation degree and is an ideal foundation for pursuing a related masters degree or advanced professional degree such as dentistry, medicine, etc.
Universities providing Bachelor Degrees are :
- University of Phoenix
- DeVry University
- ITT Technical Institute
- American InterContinental University
- Walden University
- Colorado Technical University
- Florida Metropolitan University
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